Saturday, March 28, 2020

Organic Chemistry - Why Do I Need a Teacher With a Good Organic Chemistry Tutor?

Organic Chemistry - Why Do I Need a Teacher With a Good Organic Chemistry Tutor?We all have heard about radioactive decay and the questions that come with it. Many teachers may ask if the teacher can be called in on a day when there is too much radioactive decay for the parents to deal with. Others may ask the student about the impacts of this decay on the environment and things like this.Yet another question might be, if you teach this class, what are the environmental impacts of radioactive decay? There are two major ways in which this happens, the most obvious is the generation of new particles from the decay process, although it is not as visible to the naked eye as do other processes such as burning gasoline or converting hydrogen to helium.The second way radioactive decay happens is through ionization. Ionization does not produce new particles, it only makes the elements more dense and increases their life span. Since atoms are too large to get past the protective shell that su rrounds the nucleus, ionization changes the outer layers. Ionization of elements produces radioactive isotopes, which sometimes take the form of heavier particles, and sometimes of lighter particles.So, what impact do radioactive decay have on the environment? Well, ionization from radioactive decay produces radioactive particles of different kinds. As long as you avoid breathing in too much radioactive iodine, and try to eat as many organic foods as possible, there will be very little of an environmental impact. Yet, you must be very careful about your diet, because you should probably stop eating meat products as well as fish, eggs, and dairy products.Radioactive iodine can be absorbed by the thyroid, causing the number of these hormones being produced to decrease. Lessened production of the thyroid hormones causes some, but not all, cases of hypothyroidism. It is best not to go out for extended periods of time unless you are taking a hypoallergenic diet. Eating more organic foods could help keep your metabolism at normal levels.One of the biggest impacts of radioactive decay on the environment is the radioactive waste that is produced in the process of making nuclear power plants and bombs. Because these nuclear reactors are so big, they are also very radioactive. This leads to thousands of tons of radioactive waste being released into the atmosphere.These two ways that radioactive decay has an impact on the environment is alarming. While the average individual may not see a lot of change, the environment may well suffer. It is important to remember that the largest impact comes from these high-tech devices, so the news of Chernobyl has been widely reported. While the effects of nuclear accidents are generally short-lived, this radioactive decay process could potentially cause long-term harm.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Music Changing the Brain and Improving Livelihoods

Music Changing the Brain and Improving Livelihoods Pexels Personally, I am not that much of a rap fan fanatic, from the performer unvarying his or her vocal range to the difficulty in dancing to the song; certainly, there is the classic jumping up and down and mouthing some of the words to make it appear as if we understand what the artist is singing. In retrospect, though, is it easier to memorize a song, say by Chance the Rapper, or one performed by Maroon 5 or Bruno Mars? While it is more common to sing “Sugar” in its entirety, Chance the Rapper’s “No Problem” is also scientifically proven to involve a little more time as the lyrics are spoken quicker, with a lower chance of interpreting his message and storing it as long-term memory. However, despite the extra time in memorizing the work and the genre being lower on the totem pole for me (along with country music), I acknowledge it as an undeniable method to express emotions. Throughout Chance’s songs, he elucidates his battle against drug abuse in an attempt for an upward climb and totality of mental health stability. Thinking back to last semester especially, I can honestly describe music as a mental-health stabilizing agent on a different level, though, from Chance the Rapper. While I am not depressed, anxious, or affected by a drug addiction, it was difficult for me question my major (whether it be that of sticking with engineering or switching in its entirety). Add on the imbalance with coverage of math and science, and little of the fine arts within the curriculum, and I started craving a different media, a different release than that of strictly pen to paper calculations. I started playing piano in first grade through freshman year of high school and revisited it my sophomore year of college when I was substantially stressed. After trying to get back into it, I desired it more and would play for sometimes two to three hours a night in a fine arts hall, while listening to Elton John, Journey, and Goo Goo Dolls on my own time or while studying. Though not often portrayed as the classified term of “neuro-rhythm music therapy,” playing an instrument and listening to music encompasses positive mental health benefits, ranging from it activating the pleasure-reward system of the brain, priming it, and managing effects of post-operative pain. Simply put, music is good for us, but how do we determine what is pleasurable for each of us specifically, whether it encompasses rock, punk, and metal, or rap and country? Per the journal, Science, patterns in brain activity indicate whether we like what we are listening to. A researcher at Rotman Research Institute in Toronto and former Levitin student Valorie Salimpoor conducted a study in which participants “listened to 60 excerpts of music they had never heard before while in a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine.” After asking the 19 participants how much money they would spend on a given song while listening to the excerpts, researchers analyzed the subjects’ brain patterns, specifically honing in on the nucleus accumbens and superior temporal gyrus. While the latter structure is involved in the experience of music, its connection to the nucleus accumbens is pertinent as genres of music in which a person listens to over a lifetime impact how the superior temporal gyrus is formed. The superior temporal gyrus is not linked with predicting whether a person will enjoy a given piece of music; rather, it involves storing templates from what has been heard before. (A person who has frequently listened to rap will appreciate its genre to an elevated degree than an individual who has less experience listening to the genre.) In the words of Salimpoor, “The brain kind of works like a music recommendation system.” The brain indicates what is considered valuable for one’s survival music is strongly associated with its reward system. While it doesn’t fit the “food, water, sex” existence continuum, professor of neurology and neurosurgery at Montreal Neurological Institute Robert Zatorre indicated that the striatum releases the chemical dopamine in response to pleasure-related stimuli. When the music is transmitted to someone’s brain and registers, it triggers the release of dopamine specifically the ventral striatum releases dopamine when a person is experiencing peak pleasure. According to CNN, what is interesting, however, is that dopamine is released from a differing area of the brain, the dorsal striatum, “about 10 to 15 seconds before the moment of peak pleasure.” Zatorre explains that while one is anticipating a moment of pleasure, he or she “is making predictions about what is [being heard] and what [one] is about to hear. Part of the pleasure we derive from it is being able to make predictions.” With this strong dopamine rush from music, it could be comparable to that of methamphetamines. In babies, the “Mozart Effect” has been a booming term among first-time parents as they read Women’s Health, Parenting, or the Working Mother magazine publications, hinting that playing classical music while pregnant can seemingly make the son or daughter “smarter.” However, there are few studies which support this claim; rather, music primes the brain’s various mindsets. According to University of Georgia’s Associate Professor and Extension Human Development Specialist Dr. Diane Bales in her article “The Role of Music,” people who listen to music perform certain special tasks quickly, such as fitting a puzzle together. How does this occur, though? As reported by Bales, “The classical music pathways in our brain are similar to the pathways we use for spatial reasoning.” When we listen to classical music, these spatial pathways are flipped on and ready to be utilized. Our improved spatial skills fade within about an hour after listening to music, but learning to play an instrument has been proven to exhibit longer-lasting effects on dimensional reasoning. The critical period of a baby is pivotal as he or she is developing new connections with other neurons to prepare for solidification of the brain. Playing music, singing to the child, and even starting him or her out in lessons can enhance this creativity and spatial awareness which is more often than not bypassed. Extend the immediate immersion of music in children into long-term ramifications: that of reduced stress and anxiety, decreased pain, and improved immune functioning. As written by Jill Suttie in the Huffington Post’s article “5 Ways Music Improves Our Health,” she brings to light a study in which researchers discovered that patients receiving surgery for hernia repair and who listened to music after surgery “experienced decreased plasma cortisol levels and required significantly less morphine to manage their pain.” A similar surgery expounded upon this stress and pain reduction correlation as stress-reducing effects of music were more powerful than that of orally-administered anxiolytic drugs for surgery patients. Test after test was performed as Suttie clarifies that 60 people diagnosed with anything from fibromyalgia to undergoing spinal surgery experienced significant reductions in their pain and fewer depressive symptoms hardly a placebo effect as a 2014 randomized control trial was conducted which involved healthy subjects exposed to painful stimuli. The result: a failed linkage between expectation and music’s effects on pain. This leads me to my final point: music as preventing disease. You’re probably thinking ‘If I have the flu, listening to music will not magically make me well.’ You are certainly correct regarding this standpoint. However, Wilkes University researchers conducted a study involving the levels of IgA, an important antibody for our immune system’s first line of defense against disease. After undergraduate students had their salivary IgA levels tested preceding and following a half-hour exposure to either a tone click, radio broadcast, tape of soothing music, or silence, those who listened to the music exhibited predominately increased levels of IgA than their counterparts. A similar study from Massachusetts General Hospital found that patients had lower stress hormone levels when listening to Mozart’s piano sonatas as a relaxation mechanism. An instrument of self-expression or rather a release from reality, embracing music in its entirety has salvaged people from silence. I often note that when I am not feeling like myself or had a rough day, listening to my favorite band, or sneaking into the piano room at SLU for hours on end enables me to express what I could not put into words on paper or to another person maybe I could not formulate the verbiage, or maybe there were simply no words to be said, but just emotions building which could not be paired with the correct form of verbal expression. I could care less if you have a different taste in music than me; I previously mentioned I did not enjoy listening to rap, but if you find comfort in its genre, I encourage you to cling to it. No one will ever be able to take your own expression away from you.

Expand Your Vocabulary With These Daily Activities

Expand Your Vocabulary With These Daily Activities You may want to increase your vocabulary for personal or academic reasons. However, a strong vocabulary has been linked to higher income. No matter what your motivation, with commitment and practice, you can add words to your vocabulary every day. Read. The more you read, the greater the number of words you're exposed to. Keep the level of the material that you are reading in mind: the New York Times, Economist, Atlantic, and New Yorker will expose you to more new words than a general-circulation newspaper. Reading literary material - novels and short stories - will grow your vocabulary more quickly than most non-fiction texts will, and may improve your character as well. Seeing a word in context supplements flipping through a dictionary quite well. Keep a dictionary and thesaurus on hand. Multiple apps are available for your phone. When you discover a new word, go to the dictionary to determine its meaning - or meanings - and pronunciation. Then check the thesaurus to locate similar words and phrases, as well as synonyms and antonyms. Play games. Challenging word games include crosswords, anagrams, and boggle. Many games are available for your phone or ipad. Put that thumb-twiddling time now wasted on Candy Crush to good use! Consider the roots. One of the best things you can do to expand your English vocabulary is to study Greek and Latin roots. Prefixes, roots, and suffixes in these languages contribute substantially to English and will help you learn new words.Write in a journal. Maintain a list of the new words you've added to your vocabulary, with definitions, to keep track of your progress. Reviewing the list will help embed them in your memory, and seeing the mass of new words in one place can provide motivation. If you'd rather maintain a spreadsheet, feel free, but note that you will remember the words more effectively if you write them, longhand, in a journal. Try to pick up at least a word a day. There are word-a-day desk calendars and websites to visit, as well word-of-the-day email services. However, simply reading a new word and its definition won't store it in your long-term memory. Write out both the word and its definition. Say it out loud. Write sentences that use the new word in context. Then recite these sentences out loud. Try to incorporate your new vocabulary in your conversation, or make them the topic of conversation between you and a friend. Your new vocabulary will start making unprompted appearances in your daily speech - and improving your academic performance - before you know it.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

3 Must-Dos During Finals Week

3 Must-Do's During Finals Week Please get decent amounts of sleep; it will help make finals a lot easier to deal with.( Sure, cramming at all hours of the night might seem like the ideal thing to do in order to memorize all of your class material, but it really isn’t. Really, you are not going to retain the information that way. If anything, you’re better off studying in a group. That way, you get more insight from others and can help each other out.  But, if you do have to study alone, no worries. Everyone does learn differently.  Play to your strengths when studying as well as repeat, repeat, and repeat,  especially any information that really isn’t staying with you. 2. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE NEGATIVE It’s easy to play into defeatist tendencies. We’ve all done it we’ve all said, “Well, I hope such and such will happen but it probably won’t,” or something along those lines. Do not tell yourself that you will not master a concept you have been having trouble with in class and you need to know for a final. If anything, make a Quizlet set all about the concept, write down what you do know, and re-read. Try your best to remember what you’ve been told you need for the final. As long as you put your all into studying, you should come out alright. If you need some more insight on tackling those finals and showing them who is the boss, check out this video by FDU’s own Florham Planning Committee. Hard as it may be, holding onto positivity is the way to go.( 3. DE-STRESS Stress, stressors and the like are indeed bound to be happening during finals week. But, that does not mean to let them control you the whole duration of finals week. So, what can you do? Well, making some tea does help. Black tea especially can help to combat stress. For those who aren’t very big on tea, there are plenty of different strategies to put forward. Maybe you’d do better if you plan your study times,  or maybe the Pomodoro method works better. Or, maybe you need to take some time out to color to relieve your stress or attempt dealing with it otherwise. Do not forget to breathe throughout studying for your finals and taking them. It is important to put your best effort forward during finals but it is just as, if not more, important to feel at ease when doing so. No matter what, please dont forget to take care of yourself during finals.(

She sells sea shells by the sea shore Tongue Twister

She sells sea shells by the sea shore Tongue Twister A tongue-twister is an often humorous phrase difficult to articulate properly. For example: Which watch did which witch wear and which witch wore which watch? Some tongue-twisters produce results which are humorous (or humorously vulgar) when they are mispronounced, while others simply rely on the confusion and mistakes of the speaker for their amusement value. For example: Peter Pan plays the pan pipes, but were the pan pipes named after Peter Pan or Peter Pan the pan pipes. The following is list of 16 more tongue-twisters for you to enjoy or to share with your students. To learn even more tongue-twisters talk to our English tutors. She sells sea shells by the sea shore. William always wears a very warm woolen vest in winter. Victor, however, will never wear woolen underwear even in the Wild Wild West. Any noise annoys an oyster but a noisier noise annoys an oyster most. A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. A tutor who tooted the flute, Tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, ‘Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?’ Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit, did Billy Button buy a buttered biscuit? If Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit, Where’s the buttered biscuit Billy Button bought? Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie? Green glass globes glow greenly. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw. I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. If a black bug bleeds black blood, what color blood does a blue bug bleed? If freaky Fred found fifty feet of fruit and fed forty feet to his friend Frank how many feet of fruit did freaky Fred find? If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors? If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch? If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. I scream, you scream, all we scream for ice cream!

Where to Find a Chemistry Tutor in South Africa

Where to Find a Chemistry Tutor in South AfricaYou could be wondering how do you find a chemical tutor in South Africa? You may have heard the word Chem on several occasions but haven't really heard of the whole idea. If you are going to be studying chemistry or if you have already studied chemistry then you should not be disappointed. There are so many good websites online that provide all the information and help you need to learn chemistry and to make a successful career in chemistry teaching.Some of the best ways to find a good chemist in South Africa is to use the World Wide Web to find one that you can relate to. You can browse through some of the websites that offer chemistry tutors. You will need to be sure that the tutor you are looking for is a registered member with a membership site. In most cases you will get a great deal of help when you search the World Wide Web. You will also get a list of all the chemistry teachers around the world and you can start your search from the United States of America.When you choose to search the internet to find a chemistry tutor, you will need to know the place you are going to visit. There are many good chemistry tutor websites that offer tips for different places around the world. Most of the sites that you have to go to will offer you information on what exactly you need to study chemistry for you to be able to get a job teaching chemistry. The website will also give you information on how long it will take you to study and about the qualifications you will need to obtain. Some websites will also offer all the information you need to help you decide where to study.You should understand that there are many courses that you can take to become a science teacher. Some colleges and universities have certain requirements to attend their courses. If you are only going to attend one college or university then you may want to look into finding out more about what the requirements are.Even if you are going to some college or university, you might be quite confused by the many requirements that they may put on you. You could spend so much time in classes that it can actually cause you to burn out and you may not be as good at learning as you thought you were. To avoid this from happening you should think about taking an online chemistry course instead. You can study a wide variety of topics without having to attend a large number of classes.If you are going to be studying at a university in South Africa then you will want to make sure that the Chemical Tutor that you choose is registered with the university. In most cases you will want to pick someone that is a registered member. This will allow you to ensure that they are a member of the association that is involved with the university. In addition to this you may want to make sure that the person you choose is a member of a trade organization. They will be better able to help you with a number of issues that you have with your studies.For anyone wh o is going to be studying chemistry at a University in South Africa you should make sure that you look into hiring a chemist that has been a member of the local chapter of the National Union of Students. You will be able to benefit a lot from this fact. The majority of chemistry students do not have access to the local society. If you get a chemistry tutor that has been a member of the NUS then you will be able to make more of an impact in your study.

Atlanta Tutoring - Making Your Childs Education Great

Atlanta Tutoring - Making Your Child's Education GreatAtlanta Georgia tutoring is a great way to help students in every age, level and class level. The summer is a very busy time of the year for those students that need tutoring but the school year does not end until the following September.Many college students may want to take classes in the evenings and on weekends and some will have to take a course that requires taking the night classes. Parents are concerned about the safety of their children during the summer because it is not uncommon for college students to do drugs and drink while they are away from home. You will be glad to know that tutoring in Atlanta will enable your child to study properly at night without having to worry about these issues.Many international students are apprehensive about going back to school in the fall because they may have forgotten all the necessary information that they needed. Atlanta tutoring has a reputation of helping them get the most out o f their college experience. Parents are also supportive and happy to know that their children will be doing well in their classes and have a chance to get a good job once they return to school. The cost of tuition and a student's transportation to and from the college is eliminated because tutors will be in your child's tutoring needs.Atlanta tutoring is an excellent option for students in any race, religion or ethnicity. The tutors are all certified teachers and each one of them knows how to teach students of various ages.Atlanta tutoring services are available throughout the year and the staff is always eager to meet with students to discuss any concerns or questions they may have. Most classes include worksheets, tests, exams and sometimes even homework assignments.You can find tutors in a variety of different classes that are taught by highly experienced tutors. You can find tutors at every grade level from pre-school through college, including social studies and history. Studen ts of all different ethnicities can benefit from the tutoring services.Atlanta tutoring is a very reliable way to provide your child with the best education possible. They will make sure that your child gets all the help he or she needs. You will be happy to know that you will never have to worry about the safety of your child when he or she is studying.